Sunday, February 6, 2011

Breakfasts in Beijing

Here are a few photos of my breakfasts in Beijing.  I mostly ate breakfast zhou or bao zi at S's apartmet because it was too cold to go out early in hte morning.

Long line outside the Maido chain that sells hot savory pies (bing)

Pork and Green Bell Peppers Bing (the pork was way too fatty)

I couldn't resist having breakfast at Comptoirs de France again, but the traffic was horrible; by the time I arrived, they had already moved on to their lunch menu.  I ordered a smoked salmon sandwich and a nice, big cup of coffee.

Coffee at Comptoirs de France

Smoked Salmon Sandwich for breakfast

The day of my departure, I walked to Field Home, a Chinese fast food chain.  I ordered the #8 special which had a bowl of delicious pidan shourou zhou (hundred-year egg and lean pork rice porridge) garnished with youtiao and green onions and a side of guotie (pan-fried dumplings).  YUM!  It was kinda a crazy about of food for breakfast but I gotta get some culinary satisfaction before enduing a 13 hour flight full of crappy food.
Pidan Shourou Zhou

Guotie and Milk Tea

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